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The level:1 Basic Food Hygiene training is a computer based
The level:2 Basic Food Hygiene training is a computer-based Power
To ensure the mangers, supervisors, and head chefs will have
All employees of food business intended to implement HACCP system
To ensure the managers, supervisors, and head chefs will have
To ensure the senior management /food safety team leader engaged
To impart adequate knowledge in safe handling food to achieve
To ensure the audit team is competent to carry out
To ensure the senior management / food safety team leader
This training assigned to customizable framework of indicators for measuring
The qualification is designed to provide knowledge and understanding of
To ensure managers in any part of the food and
To ensure the risk assessors are capable of using latest
To Provide food safety and hygiene knowledge for Supervisors and
To Provide GHP Training for Managers with the requirements of