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The Global G.A.P standard is a partnership between agricultural producers and retailers to establish a set of widely accepted certification standards and procedures for Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).
Its scope currently covers fresh fruit and vegetables, propagation material, integrated farm assurance (livestock, dairy, poultry, combinable crops and grains), flowers and ornamentals, tea, coffee and aquaculture.
Our Global G.A.P Food safety consultants provides you affordable expertise without having internal expertise in your organization. They will adapt our proven turnkey approach to Global G.A.P implementation to satisfy your unique requirements.
In the process we will assist you in streamlining existing procedures to confirm to Global G.A.P standard requirements and help you develop required new ones. We even perform internal audits to confirm your readiness for the Certifying Body audits. And our affordable maintenance program will ensure that your food safety program is ready for re-certification audits, while also helping you to pass unannounced audits and avoid costly product recalls. MRS Consultants – Global Gap Consultancy.
How Can your Business become Global G.A.P Certified ? What Investment is Required ? How Long will it take ?
How can your business and facilities become Global G.A.P certified ? This detailed report explains the steps involved and provides you with an estimate for consulting, Certifying Body and auditing fees.